Thursday, 6 August 2015

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Today we had a walk into town to buy some provisions.  Then we caught the little ferry that crosses from our side of the river over to the other and went to see Brunel's ss Great Britain which is one the most historic ships in the world.  She was originally launched in 1843 and was the biggest, strongest ship ever built, fitted with a steam-powered propeller.  The ss Great Britain Trust was established in 1970 to conserve the ship - it's been done really well and was well worth a visit

Dinner on board and an early night.

This week's view from the deck.

As you can see the sun is still not shining - what happened to summer!

The side entrance to the Cathedral, unfortunately I couldn't get far enough back to get it all in!

The stern of ss Great Britain

Wow that's a big propeller!

They've even put water above us!


The young lad on the left is getting ready to climb the rigging.

us from the deck of ss Great Britain!

That'll be me then!

The Promenade Deck

The surgery.

And the barbers

who's that hiding in the bunk!

A convenient room!

The butcher.

Four berth bunk - and people say the beds are small on a narrowboat!

Beds as far as you can see in this part of the ship.

can you see the rat in the cupboard...

Steve's favourite counter - deserts!

And the bakery.

Down in the engine room.

First class dining saloon.

The bow.

And a ferry ride back to the other side - it goes from here to there!

If you are ever in Bristol - it is well worth a visit.

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