Monday, 21 September 2015

Thursday 17 - Sunday 20 September 2015

Chilly misty start to a beautiful sunny day.   Real autumnal feel first thing this morning but turned into a lovely day.

We waited for Richard to arrive and he started the engine and within five minutes we had a full breakdown of what is wrong – wrong engine mounts; engine not balanced properly; gear box is on its way out and the drive plate could also need replacing – happy days!
We know this is going to be expensive, what was it the guy said that fitted the new batteries – BOAT stands for "bung on another thousand"... but at least this guy seems to know what he is talking about and a few phone calls later he has secured the right engine mounts, a reconditioned gearbox and a new drive plate and even better he will come back Saturday or Sunday to fit it all before he goes off to Nottingham on a job for two weeks.

He also gave us a lift to the nearest shop which is a mile and half away so we only had to walk back!
We have sorted out the hire car for tomorrow so having thought we would leave the boat on the canal this time we are now in the Marina so the mechanic can work on the boat more easily!

Rob invited us to his for dinner on Thursday night - another late one!
Friday we drove back to London to see Harry and Steve’s parents.

Saturday we picked Lucy up and drove back to the boat.  Lucy stepped on the back of the boat her handbag slipped off her shoulder down to her elbow and with a little jerk her inhaler and phone jumped into the canal...
The harbour master came to the rescue with a net (another thing we must buy one) and we managed to retrieve both, unfortunately although we dried the phone out best we could when she plugged the charger in it pushed the much from the bottom of the canal further in which meant the phone wouldn’t charge and it died.

Richard the mechanic turned up at lunchtime and fitted the new engine mounts, gear box and drive plate.  He had to move his boat on Sunday so will come back and shorten a hose, change the oil and fit a new element to the emersion heater on Monday.
Saturday night we decided to see how the locals spend their Saturday nights in the social club at the marina.  We walked in and the lights were on full, paid our £2 entrance charge, bought a drink, sat down and thought we won’t be staying here long!  Then the entertainment started, a guy singing, song two and lots of people jumped up to dance.  By set three we were joining in the fun – we started dancing sitting down and the couple on the table next to us joined in swaying to the music then we couldn’t hold back any longer and joined the now packed dance floor!  Another fun night had by all!

Sunday Lucy and I took a cab into Dudley to sort out her phone then we came back and cooked a leg of lamb on the bar-be-cue and had a relaxing day.

Mist rolling over the canal.

Entering Ashwood Marina - This used to be a railway-connected basin owned by the National Coal Board, it was then disused for some years but it has now been enlarged and provides pleasant moorings within the marina - as you can see it is very narrow and we are driving in so we will have to reverse out!

I've decided that I am going to see how many different weathervanes I can see!
On our walk back from the shops!
Wait for me.
Ok forward march...
Saturday night at Ashwood Marina Social Club!
Lou up there on the dance floor strutting her stuff!
Dewy webs.

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