Thursday, 14 July 2016

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Ok so yesterday we went to one end of the River Weaver and today we went to the other end, well almost.  As we went through the second from last lock the lock keeper told us that if we went all the way to flashes at the end we wouldn't get back to get through the locks before they closed.  We have booked onto the Anderton Lift at 9.15am tomorrow so we need to be back through the two locks.

We didn't get any rain today but we didn't get any sun either!  I'm lying we did get some rain after we had moored up for the evening!

We turned around a mile or so from the end to ensure passage back through the locks and moored up in Northwich.  A little big town - not much here but the high street seemed to go on a long way.  Had a quick beer in a pub that looked wonderful from the outside but had had the heart ripped out of it on the inside, so we didn't stay long, then grabbed some more groceries and went back to the boat.

We enjoyed the River Weaver 
and couldn't go past the Anderton Boat Lift without going on it.
 - worth the trip which would have been better if the weather was nicer as there were some good mooring spots for a bar-be-cue (haven't had one yet this year!).

Passing one of the vast farms in this area.

It's behind you!
Joining another little boat in this huge lock.

Hanging around - we had to wait for the lock keeper to finish his lunch break before we could get in the lock!

Back past the Anderton Lift - two boats coming down and one going up!

The bridges here are so tall as it used to be 200 ton ships that used this passage. 

If the weather was good the moorings on the left would make the perfect bar-be-cue spot.

Moored up in Northwich.

Cheeky duck - I wonder what she has found on there!

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